Why Use J.C.N.?
From a Recent Major Project
Business Stakeholder Our business growth had been limited by our manually- intensive operations. With no automated transaction and control system, we could only grow based on a proportional growth in staff. JCN was able to come in, fully understand our business, and then deliver an application that exceeded those requirements and allowed us to expand our services and geographic reach beyond anything imaginable.

Action Now

Projects may come up that must be implemented immediately. Or existing projects stall and target dates slip. We get your projects moving and on the road to completion when you can't take the time to staff up or reallocate resources.

Focused Attention

When other priorities intrude projects often don't get the undivided attention they deserve. We focus specifically on your systems and application problems and give them the complete attention they require. Great applications can be built with development environments like Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Visual Studio .NET, but to ensure they can grow with your business and perform optimally they must be designed and implemented carefully and with attention to detail.

Proficiency Without Overhead

Budgetary constraints may make adding full-time staff unrealistic. Or the nature and duration of a specific project may not merit adding to overhead. We provide in-depth industry and functional proficiency without the need to overstretch your internal resources. In addition to software project management our application analysis and design experience and technical proficiency in database application development using technologies such as Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Microsoft SQL Server are ready to help you.

Complete Solutions to Your

Business Problems

You won't simply receive applications from J.C.N. Associates —you'll receive complete business solutions. We understand that computer hardware and applications are simply a part of a larger package. We include consise, well-written user and technical documentation with all our database application solutions. And we don't just leave it to you to learn the system on your own. We provide hands-on training on your new system to get you up the learning curve quickly. We provide total solutions.
Why J.C.N.

Technology Services

J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.


Why Use J.C.N. Associates

Images courtesy of Ambro and FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Independent consultant - Visual FoxPro and Visual Studio NET C Sharp database application development J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.

IT Project Management

Microsoft Visual FoxPro

J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.
From a Recent Engagement
Business Stakeholder - Fortune 500 Company “You certainly brought a new/fresh approach to designing and building solutions to meet the needs of our business. You should be proud, as I am, of what you were able to accomplish over the years and the great influence you brought to our culture and our approach to tech- nology. Many thanks” -Craig Senior Director

Action Now

Projects may come up that must be implemented immediately. Or existing projects stall and target dates slip. We get your projects moving and on the road to completion when you can't take the time to staff up or reallocate resources.

Focused Attention

When other priorities intrude projects often don't get the undivided attention they deserve. We focus specifically on your systems and application problems and give them the complete attention they require. Great applications can be built with development environments like Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Visual Studio .NET, but to ensure they can grow with your business and perform optimally they must be designed and implemented carefully and with attention to detail.

Proficiency Without


Budgetary constraints may make adding full- time staff unrealistic. Or the nature and duration of a specific project may not merit adding to overhead. We provide in-depth industry and functional proficiency without the need to overstretch your internal resources. In addition to software project management our a p p l i c a t i o n analysis and design experience and technical proficiency in d a t a b a s e a p p l i c a t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t using technologies such as Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Microsoft SQL Server are ready to help you.

Complete Solutions to Your Business


You won't simply receive applications from J.C.N. Associates —you'll receive complete business solutions. We understand that computer hardware and applications are simply a part of a larger package. We include consise, well-written user and technical documentation with all our database application solutions. And we don't just leave it to you to learn the system on your own. We provide hands-on training on your new system to get you up the learning curve quickly. We provide total solutions.
Why Use J.C.N.?
From a Recent Major Project
Business Stakeholder Our business growth had been limited by our manually- intensive operations. With no automated transaction and control system, we could only grow based on a proportional growth in staff. JCN was able to come in, fully understand our business, and then deliver an application that exceeded those requirements and allowed us to expand our services and geographic reach beyond anything imaginable.
Has your carefully planned project suddenly become an immediate priority? Are circumstances keeping you from meeting important deadlines? Do you need additional quality resources temporarily? Need results quickly? We provide both technical and p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t (PM) skills with strategic oversight on demand. We offer the following advantages when your mission- critical Microsoft Visual FoxPro and software development projects require immediate attention.
© J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C. 1991 - 2021
Voice: 646/583.2989 | Fax: 732/595.9125
Microsoft Visual FoxPro IT Software Project Management
J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.

Why Use J.C.N. Associates

Images courtesy of Ambro and FreeDigitalPhotos.net
J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.
J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.

Microsoft Visual FoxPro

IT Software Project Management

© J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C. 1991 - 2024
Voice: 973/937.7809 | Fax: 732/595.9125 | Email: info@jcn-associates.com
Delivering IT Software Project Management and Visual FoxPro Proficiency Since 1991
J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C.